Health Support Services and Groups


Pinpoint is a directory of community services in Devon. You can find care and support services, community groups, activities, family support, registered childcare and much more across Devon. Click here to see the website for more information:

TALKWORKS – Improving your mental health and wellbeing

TALKWORKS are a free, confidential, NHS talking therapy service, offering effective treatments and therapies, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which can help you get your life back on track. Click on the link for more information and to self-refer.


Type 1 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes


Exeter, Mid & East Devon Information

Speech & Language Therapy

Would you like to volunteer to support people with communication disorders?


Information on DIstrACT

One Small Step


OneSmallStep (OSS) is a free wellness service funded by Devon County Council to help people improve their health and wellbeing.

OSS offers specialist support, to help people maintain a healthy weight, move more, cut down on alcohol and quit smoking.

OSS provides telephone coaching and online support and our staff attend events across the county.

OneSmallStep June 2019 Newsletter

Call: 01392 908 139

Monday to Friday 8.30 – 7.00pm
Saturday 10.00 – 2pm

Visit: One Small Step website

Twitter: @stephealthy

Facebook: @1stephealthy

Do you need help to quit smoking?
Come and talk to your local NHS stop Smoking Service, its the most effective way to quit. To book an appointment in Devon please call 0800 298265 .Visit One Small Step for more information.

The Nest Southwest

The Nest provide peer support around women’s health issues e.g. pregnancy, menopause.

For more information, please follow this link:

The Nest Southwest CIC – Community Interest Company (

Wellbeing Exeter

wellbeing exter

Wellbeing Exeter is a partnership of public, voluntary and community sector organisations who have come together to explore better ways of supporting the 40% of patients who visit their GP with socially based rather than medical problems.


August 2019 Newsletter

NHS Devon’s Health App Library

NHS Devon’s Health App Library aims to make it quicker and easier to access safe, accredited health and wellbeing apps, which can make a really difference to people’s lives.

The NHS Devon App Library has regular and independent reviews of health and care related apps undertaken by ORCHA (Organisation for Review of Care and Health Apps), and you’ll see that this information clearly presented throughout the website – NHS Devon App Library

How to lower Cholesterol Levels

For more information regarding cholesterol, please follow this link:

How to lower cholesterol levels

MyHealth Devon

The MyHealth Devon website has been created by Devon Referral Support Service (DRSS) and local clinicians to provide local information including waiting times, referral pathways and information on how patients can manage their specific symptoms or conditions.

Frequently visited pages include those on Mental Health, Pain Management, ADHD, Autism and Hip Pain, as well as those on waiting times and ‘my referral’.

Date published: 30th January, 2020
Date last updated: 15th November, 2022