Telephone System

Southernhay House Surgery and Whipton Branch Surgery telephone number is: 01392 211266. Our phone lines are open from 8am-6pm, Monday-Friday.

We ask that where possible, to keep the phone lines available for urgent enquiries and those that are unable to access online options, that you use the NHS App or this website and complete and online request.

In using online services you are supporting us with managing high demand and it mat help you to receive a quicker response.

The telephone system has recently been updated.

For all enquiries*, please select :

Option 1

*Please note that you cannot order your prescription over the telephone. However, this service is available through your online account. If you are not set up for online prescription ordering, please ask at reception for details.

You will hear a message asking you to complete an online form if you can.

You will also be advised of your position in the queue.

Date published: 31st January, 2020
Date last updated: 4th April, 2023